Becoming a Member

What Does Membership Mean?
In The Episcopal Church, our canons (church law), define a "member" of a parish as someone who attends services at a parish and contributes to its financial welfare on a regular basis.
We each have differing levels of understanding of our relationship with God and with the community in which we worship. We respond to the call to service and fellowship at different rates and depths. In our tradition, the individual seeker decides for himself or herself what membership means, how it will be lived out, and when it is achieved.
Having said that, there are some ways in which we provide guideposts and suggestions. At Trinity we welcome people from many backgrounds of faith and experience. People are drawn to us for our traditional forms of liturgy, for our progressive social stance, and through identification and a deepening relationship with the community of believers already here.
Membership Takes Many Forms
What is membership? First it is a conviction of the heart and a commitment to a community of people. It provides a sense of home and belonging. It's a way of establishing roots and encouraging growth in faith and fellowship. There is an interdependence and accountability for what we say we want and will do for ourselves and the community we hold onto. Members of Trinity are expected to attend the services and participate in the activities, supporting events and participating in the leadership of our common life. Members are expected to take seriously their pledge of time, talent and treasure to the work and mission of Trinity as undiscovered gifts of God within each of us.
For those who want to deepen their faith and their commitment to Christ and the Church, membership in the Episcopal Church is affirmed by Confirmation, which is a public profession of one's Christian faith as an adult. For more information, please see Sacraments.
Trinity offers members our beautiful worship, pastoral care, welcoming and supportive community, and the opportunity for a deeper relationship with God. This certainly isn't the only place God is, but it is one of them – a place to bear witness to God's love and to experience that love in communion with others. We welcome all to find a spiritual home with us, and to explore what membership is and what it calls forth.